"Love the Lord your God, walk in all His ways, obey His commands, hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul." Joshua 22:5
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tennis Lessons
Today was Josiah's last day of tennis lessons for the spring season. He really seems to enjoy tennis and he especially likes spending time with his friends there. He's anxious to get his dad out on the courts with him... maybe they will have time for that soon.

Friday, May 29, 2009
Last day of school!
Today was our "official" last day of 3rd grade! Josiah and I were thrilled. It's really a good feeling to finish a school year. I was telling John that it felt good to finish third grade again (as the teacher it feels like doing it all over again) and then we had a good chuckle when I commented that I only had to do it two more times... once with Shep and once with Will! :)
John took us all out for lunch to celebrate today! You know, I really love having John working at home and the flexibility of his schedule. It is so wonderful to see him more and for him to be involved with more of our daily schedule. He's such a great hubby and dad and he is so good to make time for us. I'm just really so grateful that the Lord has provided this opportunity for our family to be able to spend more time together and to invest together into the training of our boys.
Good job, Josiah! I'm proud of you! Love, Mom
(p.s. 4th grade here we come!)
John took us all out for lunch to celebrate today! You know, I really love having John working at home and the flexibility of his schedule. It is so wonderful to see him more and for him to be involved with more of our daily schedule. He's such a great hubby and dad and he is so good to make time for us. I'm just really so grateful that the Lord has provided this opportunity for our family to be able to spend more time together and to invest together into the training of our boys.
Good job, Josiah! I'm proud of you! Love, Mom
(p.s. 4th grade here we come!)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Presidential Seal M&Ms
One of our pastor's sons is stationed at Camp David and after a recent visit there, they brought us this box of M&Ms with the presidential seal on it. I just think that is so cool! We've been told that the M&Ms inside are red, white and blue. Now, we just have to decide if we 're going to keep the box like it is (unopened) or just dig in and eat those M&Ms. What do you think we should do? And where do you keep a cool box like this anyway?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day - a day behind...
John took the boys to get snowcones! And I'm home all by myself... a rare treat. (Do I have to admit that I'm eating a Snickers ice cream while they are gone. :)) Shepard left saying that he was GOING to try the new Tiger Blood flavor of snowcone. I can't wait to see how that turned out. Will was happily learning the word snowcone... sounds more like TaToe, but he was all smiles because he loves any opportunity to put on his shoes and go with the big boys. :)
Yesterday was Memorial Day and the day started with Shepard bringing me a picture from a book he had been looking at. He found the page about the Civil War with Abraham Lincoln and he showed me this little black and white drawing a battle and he pointed at it and said, "These are the men who died and were buried that we are remembering today." Wow! He's only four and I was really impressed that he understood that. So, at breakfast we talked with the boys about our freedom and the price that has been paid by some of our military men and their families for that freedom. And then we told them that there was another sacrifice made for our freedom, too and we asked them if they knew what it was. Josiah and Shepard both said, "Jesus!" He died for our freedom. So, we asked them what we have freedom from... they knew! :) If we choose Jesus as Savior, we have freedom from sin and the everlasting penalty of death. We really have something to celebrate!
We didn't have big plans for Memorial Day... which was great because that gave us the opportunity to go see our friends, the Lincks, at the hospital where Harold is being treated for an unknown illness. They think it's possibly a tick bite illness, but please pray with us for them and that the Lord will heal Harold! We were in Branson with them just last week and he came home sick after that trip.
Only two more days of school until summer break at the Wasson Home School! We're all excited!
Yesterday was Memorial Day and the day started with Shepard bringing me a picture from a book he had been looking at. He found the page about the Civil War with Abraham Lincoln and he showed me this little black and white drawing a battle and he pointed at it and said, "These are the men who died and were buried that we are remembering today." Wow! He's only four and I was really impressed that he understood that. So, at breakfast we talked with the boys about our freedom and the price that has been paid by some of our military men and their families for that freedom. And then we told them that there was another sacrifice made for our freedom, too and we asked them if they knew what it was. Josiah and Shepard both said, "Jesus!" He died for our freedom. So, we asked them what we have freedom from... they knew! :) If we choose Jesus as Savior, we have freedom from sin and the everlasting penalty of death. We really have something to celebrate!
We didn't have big plans for Memorial Day... which was great because that gave us the opportunity to go see our friends, the Lincks, at the hospital where Harold is being treated for an unknown illness. They think it's possibly a tick bite illness, but please pray with us for them and that the Lord will heal Harold! We were in Branson with them just last week and he came home sick after that trip.
Only two more days of school until summer break at the Wasson Home School! We're all excited!
Cool Will
Will had so much fun wearing these glasses around the house today. I just had to capture a picture of him. He would put them on and then strut around until his brothers noticed his glasses. Not long after this picture was taken he obtained an orange marker from the cabinet that Shepard was supposed to have closed and proceeded to "color" on my light blue jacket. Not so cool. :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Shepard's new hat
Here's Shepard sporting his new hat and sunglasses. One of his favorite things to do is dress up and this is his new favorite hat. He has worn it every day since we came home from Branson. He kept his "special Branson flat penny" in the pocket in his hat and used the penny as a conversation starter to make lots of new friends while we strolled around at the Branson Landing.

The trolley driver asked Shepard to trade hats and of course, he said yes. So, he wore the helmet for awhile until it got too heavy.

The trolley driver asked Shepard to trade hats and of course, he said yes. So, he wore the helmet for awhile until it got too heavy.

Highlights from our Branson trip this week
We had a BLAST in Branson! We are really grateful for our good friends, the Lincks, who invited us to meet them there and stay at their really nice RV Park. We stayed in this perfect little two-bedroom cabin and the boys were thrilled to sleep on bunk beds for the first time. We had so much fun while we were there that we had to rest from our vacation when we got home! :)
We spent one day at Silver Dollar city... here's some pics of us on a few of the rides. The boys loved it all. John and I decided that maybe we are getting too old to ride some of the rides... I don't think either of us has any intention of riding Powder Keg ever again. :) Josiah hopes he grows 1/2" before we go back so that he can ride Wildfire next time! And Shepard, well he spent the whole day telling us how brave he is... he was willing to ride anything they would let him on.

The boys really enjoyed riding go-karts and the bumper boats. Shepard just loved the thrill of it all and Josiah's competitive nature was in full swing. He had a lot of fun racing his buddy, Jared.

We spent one day at Silver Dollar city... here's some pics of us on a few of the rides. The boys loved it all. John and I decided that maybe we are getting too old to ride some of the rides... I don't think either of us has any intention of riding Powder Keg ever again. :) Josiah hopes he grows 1/2" before we go back so that he can ride Wildfire next time! And Shepard, well he spent the whole day telling us how brave he is... he was willing to ride anything they would let him on.

The boys really enjoyed riding go-karts and the bumper boats. Shepard just loved the thrill of it all and Josiah's competitive nature was in full swing. He had a lot of fun racing his buddy, Jared.

Friday, May 22, 2009
New Family Photo
Our WONDERFUL babysitter, Miss Jolene, took this photo for us before John and I headed off to eat dinner at Ruth's Chris for our anniversary. It was a last minute idea as we were talking and realized that we need a new family picture for the brochure John is putting together for the consignment sale convention we are going to in a couple of weeks. Usually I spend way too long planning what we're going to wear for a family picture, but this one was spur of the moment and I think it turned out great!

Coming soon... pictures from our recent Branson trip! :)

Coming soon... pictures from our recent Branson trip! :)
14th Wedding Anniversary
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I forgot that trampolines are so much fun!
I joined the boys at the end of their recess this morning and on a whim decided to jump on the trampoline with Shepard and Will. It was a blast! I had totally forgotten how much fun that can be! It was great to be outside enjoying the day and playing with the boys. (And my muscles won't let me forget my little adventure from this morning. :))
John came downstairs for a break from work and found me doing cheerleading jumps on the trampoline... I was totally busted. :) But his smiling comment was, "That's pretty good for someone your age." I'm still laughing about that one.
Enjoy your day!
~ Heather
John came downstairs for a break from work and found me doing cheerleading jumps on the trampoline... I was totally busted. :) But his smiling comment was, "That's pretty good for someone your age." I'm still laughing about that one.
Enjoy your day!
~ Heather
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
America's Financial Crisis
I just finished reading "The Coming Economic Earthquake" by Larry Burkett and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in understanding the financial status of America. It's not a pretty picture! Larry Burkett wrote this book in the early 90's as a warning of possible economic crisis in America. The crazy financial situations that are happening now are just what he predicted would happen... although he was a little early because he thought they might happen a decade earlier. If you want to understand the financial history of America and how we got to this point and also gain an understanding of what could happen as a result in the future days we face, then read this book. You will also find nuggets of Biblical truth sprinkled in the pages as the author shows that God's principles and truth stand the test of time and are still true today. If you wonder how to prepare your own finances for the possibility of an economic collapse, you will find this book helpful.
Be wise and look to the Lord!
Be wise and look to the Lord!
Today's Funny Quotes
These are my favorite quotes from the boys today:
Shepard: "I just can't figure out whyyyy girls have pink toenails." This little comment came out of nowhere... I guess he's been contemplating this. :)
Josiah: "Mom, I have a Star Wars character on my game that looks JUST like you! Well, a young you... you know, like you, but without all the wrinkles." I guess that's the end of me thinking that I look young for my age! He just calls 'em like he sees 'em. I'm thinking that maybe we need to work on tact next. :)
Shepard: "I just can't figure out whyyyy girls have pink toenails." This little comment came out of nowhere... I guess he's been contemplating this. :)
Josiah: "Mom, I have a Star Wars character on my game that looks JUST like you! Well, a young you... you know, like you, but without all the wrinkles." I guess that's the end of me thinking that I look young for my age! He just calls 'em like he sees 'em. I'm thinking that maybe we need to work on tact next. :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day
John and I had the opportunity to go to Arlington, TX for a home school book fair this weekend... it was a great weekend. We're excited about our new curriculum purchases for next year. Special thanks to all the grandparents for keeping the boys for us this weekend!
John helped Shepard make a card for me for Mother's Day... I think he told Shepard to draw me a flower, but apparently Shepard got carried away and decided to draw me a tornado instead. :)

Josiah worked on a card for me while he was at Ken and Shelley's this weekend... he told me that he wrote it and picked the fonts and colors by himself. Yes, I cried when I read it! He loves to make me cry... the good kind of crying. :) He has such a sweet heart.

Here is a picture of me and the boys together on Mother's Day... I sure do love these three blessings and on a special day like today I'm reminded how blessed I am that the Lord made me the mother of these boys. I often tell them how blessed I am and how grateful I am that the Lord gave them to me to raise. (Honestly, I am humbled by the responsibility and wonder how the Lord could have trusted me with it.) But, I love pouring my life into my job of being a mom!

John helped Shepard make a card for me for Mother's Day... I think he told Shepard to draw me a flower, but apparently Shepard got carried away and decided to draw me a tornado instead. :)
Josiah worked on a card for me while he was at Ken and Shelley's this weekend... he told me that he wrote it and picked the fonts and colors by himself. Yes, I cried when I read it! He loves to make me cry... the good kind of crying. :) He has such a sweet heart.
Here is a picture of me and the boys together on Mother's Day... I sure do love these three blessings and on a special day like today I'm reminded how blessed I am that the Lord made me the mother of these boys. I often tell them how blessed I am and how grateful I am that the Lord gave them to me to raise. (Honestly, I am humbled by the responsibility and wonder how the Lord could have trusted me with it.) But, I love pouring my life into my job of being a mom!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Welcome Home John!
Thursday was John's last day to work at Golden Living before coming home to work full-time with his software business, MySaleManager.NET. We are SO blessed that the Lord has provided this opportunity for our family. The boys and I are THRILLED to have John home with us! We gave him a Welcome Home party when he came home that day.
Latest Wasson Boy Quotables
Shepard has been sick this week and tried some 7UP to settle his stomach. He seemed to be drinking the 7UP pretty well, so I asked him, “How do you like it?” Shepard answered, “Mmmmm… it tastes soooo civilized!” I had to chuckle. A few seconds later he suddenly throws up which startled me and I said, “Whoa!” to which he replied, “Yah, that was kinda like a missile launcher!”
Josiah was telling me the other day about his latest “what I want to be when I grow up” idea… he has decided that he would like to be an “evaluator” at a theme park. He said, “you know, a job that tests roller coasters.” (Can this really be our Josiah????)
Shepard got some silly putty for Easter… he was thrilled and commented several times that he has never had that before, so he has loved playing with this new “toy”. But, for the life of him he cannot remember what it is called and he has given it many different names, but the one he keeps saying is “Funny Punny”. Too cute!
Josiah was telling me the other day about his latest “what I want to be when I grow up” idea… he has decided that he would like to be an “evaluator” at a theme park. He said, “you know, a job that tests roller coasters.” (Can this really be our Josiah????)
Shepard got some silly putty for Easter… he was thrilled and commented several times that he has never had that before, so he has loved playing with this new “toy”. But, for the life of him he cannot remember what it is called and he has given it many different names, but the one he keeps saying is “Funny Punny”. Too cute!
Recent Happenings - Tax Day Tea Party
Josiah designed these signs… and knew exactly what he wanted to say. As we were deciding if we would go to a Tea Party today he said, “well, I don’t really need to stay long at the tea party, but I would like to be able to hold up my sign and have a chance to let my voice be heard.” That’s my boy! :)
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