"Love the Lord your God, walk in all His ways, obey His commands, hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul." Joshua 22:5

Friday, March 16, 2012

just playing with my camera and more

I just wanted to check the sunlight at a certain time of day for taking pictures...  the kids were outside playing.  The sunlight was gorgeous - a really beautiful spring day!  And my kids' laughter made my heart melt!

Then came the disagreement.  I kept snapping pictures anyway. 
Life isn't always sunshine and smiles.
We must work to know God in EVERY moment.
Living to learn His ways.
Seeking Him in EVERY moment!
All of life's joy and pain.
Because HE is EVERYTHING! 

Those precious boys...  they did work it out.  We had sunshine and smiles again... eventually.
It's the working through where we grow.
I pray that in those hard moments we remember to know and seek the One worthy of our quest.
Shepard's words still ring in my heart, "Mama, God is good."  ALL THE TIME, precious children!
The Lord is usually teaching me more...

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