"Love the Lord your God, walk in all His ways, obey His commands, hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul." Joshua 22:5

Monday, September 21, 2009

Watching Journey to the Center of the Earth

We moved our usual family movie night from Friday to Saturday this week and surprised the boys with "Journey to the Center of the Earth" which they have been wanting to see for awhile. Really, I was thinking and wondering if this movie was too intense for a 4-year-old and 2-year-old, but they've sort of grown up on Star Wars and other such movies, so... Well, it did get a little intense and Shepard started by telling us that he was brave. But, then he said, "Is there going to be something that is scarier than I am brave?" Little pause and then, "Do you even know how much brave I am?" I said, "Yes, I think I do." He replied with this very puzzled look on his face, "How do you know?" How do you know how much brave I am?" as if there was no way for anyone else to really be able to answer the question. Then he said, "I am pretty brave you know!" Now that we had that settled, as soon as the dinosaurs came out in the movie Shepard went running for cover under the dining room table yelling, "Tell me when the scary part is over!"

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